Friday, July 11, 2008

I am calling it now.

So it's emerging that Iran's entire missile test last week was a fake. Fake pictures, fake missile ranges, everything. Why fake a missile test?

In the two days before the test, the price of oil was actually dropping significantly. Then Iran does their "test," and because of the resulting fears over a regional war, the price of oil rebounds. When oil goes up, Iran makes money. So why not conduct a bogus test, spook the world, and ensure high oil prices for at least another week or more?

I just want credit for calling this in two months when Seymour Hersch writes an expose about it in the New Yorker.


  1. Hm. I have no memory of posting this.

  2. Don't get me started of strategic incompetence regarding Iran. Honestly, does anyone in the 202 area code get what serves Iran's interest.
