Monday, January 28, 2008


The " Awful Wedding Dress Party" turned out better than I had thought. Some highlights:

* One JJ8er dropping a massively large dump that caused people to clear the hallway and the kitchen and move to the living room. That is when the party REALLY got started.
* One JJ8er who likes to woo the ladies in the most romantic way.. by sneaking them to the bathroom... with only one bathroom in the apt! Long lines but good conversation while waiting.
* One Hottie Galore saving the night by blasting bumping beats and retiring Adz's standard party mix.
* The wedding dress saves the day: The cop that came for a noise complaint did not do much after I told him it was my wedding party. Later that evening, an entire bar cheered for me and my big day!


1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that if I ever get married the cops and the dresses in the bottom picture will somehow be involved.
