Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It Was Ten Years Ago Today…

Actually, it was ten years ago three days ago. 8/25/97—John Jay 8 as we know it was born. Yes, it was a decade ago that Terrence told us that if we dropped a cotton ball out the window, we would be expelled… Sarah Batterton distributed Blow Pops... Jen Dubrow became intrigued by the guitar strumming of Marie Frisoff… Christy met Leslie… Christian met Kengo… Raju, Matt, Christy, Jon, Ashley, Solomon and I all met—and we probably met Ben, but he didn't start talking until around October… If memory serves, my first night at Columbia I went to Tom's with Van and Pete Steenland… My second night I went to AmCaf… My third was a memorable evening with Christy, Pete, and Lattman… Ten years ago… Holy fuck.

Well, enough ellipses! It's been a decade of friendship, folks!! HERE'S TO TEN MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!!

Love always,

JJ 817


  1. Wow, holy shit, we're old. It was also ten years ago today that I started drinking and so I don't remember our memorable evening with Lattman and Pete (or much of the last decade). That's probably all for the best.

  2. How about this...I'm starting school again exactly 10 years later, which means that I'm 10 years older than all the incoming college freshman. Damn.

    It's been an interesting 10 years, though. And just think, in another 10 years JJ8 will be well on its way to ruling the world, so we've got that to look forward to.

  3. Joe, we're already well on our way to ruling the world. I seriously doubt it will take a full decade to complete the process.

    In honor of the occasion, I propose a trip to Coney Island during which half of us will hide in our apartments and not answer the knock of the appointed Terrence stand-in (I'm voting R.Missle)

  4. a return to jj8 is in the works. i'm working on coordinating with the current RA. will report back with details as they trickle in.

  5. Oh, what.

    I think we need to do this while the kids are settling in. I picture a podium setup in the lounge from which Raju and I will hold forth on proper utilization of the nook.

  6. Featuring a special joint appearance by Sara Batterton and Alejandro: "Smoking Weed When Your Neighbor Is on the Crew Team."

  7. Cut and paste the link in your browser:


    Josh isnt 818 after all.

    Looks like Ashley had the biggest room according the floor plan. No wonder we spent so much time in there as a group.

    -JJ846 Sol

  8. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/housing/floor-plans/jay/plans/8.pdf

    Thats the link...sorry it cutoff before.

  9. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/housing/floor-plans/jay/

  10. Coming soon to this space: the ultimate JJ8 quiz!

  11. Yes, yes on the quiz... should we immediately submit questions to you, Mattie-o?
