let me go back and talk a bit more about mozambique. it's changed so much and yet it's hardly changed at all. there's a KFC in maputo and everybody has a cellphone (even if they don't have electricty at home) (even if their kids don't have shoes). there are a lot of new schools and universities and many of my friends have become teachers or have gone off to study. but there's still goats riding public transportation, the same song being played over and over and over and over again, exposed titties flying everywhere, and men who could drink whole fraternities under the table. good times!!

so i'll be here in the motherland for a week or so. should be good to relax, hang out, and take real showers (and finally wash my hair with shampoo!). also the return to the climes of the northern hemisphere seems to have gotten my bowels back in order.
the final stage of this trip, insh'allah, will be a climb in the alps together with josh, where we will cavort with bearded old alpine horn players by day and drink cold steins of beer served by busty barmaids in the evenings. keep an eye out for a feldman blog about trailmix.
love to you all,
jonny rocket
Don't worry. I watered your plants.