Tuesday, April 24, 2012


That all politics are personal

The New York Post, of course, reports that a concerted effort among the neighbors around West 30th between Seventh and Eighth avenues (or for anyone who thinks of Manhattan as a real-life Panopticon experiment, cellblocks 27-33) to ban parking on the weekends and end the reign of sexual terror on their streets has so far elicited little sympathy from chair of the Transportation Committee, Raju Mann. Though flustered residents say that discarded condoms and "other paraphernalia" carpet their sidewalks, Mann merely shrugs and reminds them that they live in the middle of a constant panoply of humanity in all its most grotesque and oppressive manifestations. "There's all kinds of problematic activity going on," says Mann, "like noise, violence, sexual activity and drug use." In other words, all New Yorkers have plenty to complain about and the residents of the West 30s should just grit their teeth and be thankful that the subway people haven't marshalled a city-wide rebellion (yet)

Link in full:


  1. Also: They paraphrased you by saying "panoply of humanity in all its most grotesque and oppressive manifestations"??? Somehow doubt that captured your tone.

  2. Hold on, though - according to the linked NY Post story, Mr. Mann is actually in favor of the ban. Typical political doublespeak if you ask me.

  3. Wow, it's pretty amazing how the Post uses that quote as if it references the actual situation on 30th, and Jezebel uses it as "whatever, this city is gross." You got some clarifying to do, Mr. Mann.

  4. It's truly amazing what passes for journalism.

    I'm now 1000% convinced that if we got our act together this blog could be a real new media force.

  5. I am also amazed that you were featured on jezebel as a and with the name Man(n) and didn't get called a misogynistic kitten-killer by the commenters. At least if you were on gawker, you would have been propositioned at least 50 times in their comments.

    Also, we need to know, whose side are you on: The Sluts or The Prudes? Maybe this battle can only be decided one way: let's take it to the subways, Warriors style.

  6. You mean like if we had a regular fashion column? I agree.

  7. Spoken like a true Post go-to conservative.
