Monday, February 20, 2012

Roar, Lions, Roar

Is it embarrassing when the team president asks all the new employees to come up in front of the entire organization, hands them the microphone, asks them to give a brief background of themselves, and maybe sing your school fight song....and when it's your turn, and you say that you don't know your school's fight song, the one person in the room who does know your school's fight song is the team president, and he proceeds to jump up and try to get you to sing it with him....and what's more, the team president didn't even go to your school. He went to Princeton.

The answer is: it's awkward for about 5 seconds, and then life goes on. I mean, who knows the Columbia fight song anymore except for these douche bags...

In other Beantown news, the last two weekends have made it clear that I will probably not be leaving this city anytime soon, so visitors are encouraged. Plenty of room for guests.


  1. how much room is plenty? how many of us can fit at once? we want to come down asap.

  2. Queen-sized pullout couch sleeps 2 comfortably. Bring air mattresses, and there's floor space for more.

  3. my dad (still?) knows the fight song but he went to columbia in the time before irony

  4. The only reason I know the fight song is from singing it while running around campus naked. Strangely, that has seared the words on my brain forever. No idea why.

  5. The dramatic return of Mysteria! Roar, lions, roar!

  6. Truthfully tho, we need a few good drinking songs in reserve. And right now for me it's Auld Lange Syne or bust. It's a shame Columbia couldn't have helped out more in that department what with the high tuition, sense of history, etc

  7. George and Emily know the fight song for some reason...They sing it together sometimes...
