While we were there, we discovered that Lyle Lovett is playing a concert there on August 12th. So here's the idea...
A weekend upstate, with home base being either Athas's place in East Durham or Ben's place in Cazenovia, that would include: Lovett, Baseball Hall of Fame, and general summertime outdoorsy fun.
There are a couple issues with the Lovett concert: August 12th is a Thursday, and tickets are $55 in advance. However, if you've never really listened to Lovett before, you should know that he puts on a great show. His voice is so smooth, he's got a large band that plays with him (so more swinging music than your typical country music fare), and he's got a tremendously funny dry wit (you're guaranteed to laugh...and which probably explains how Julia Roberts married him).
The Lovett concert probably doesn't make or break the trip. Obviously people could come up just for the weekend proper. But I wanted to get a feel from you guys to see if any or all of these ideas sound interesting to anyone.
In it.