Alrighty - it's that time again, when I ask for the JJ8 family's help in raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in return for my running 26.2 miles like an insane person. My goals for this fall (besides not dying, passing out or yelling at strangers, my coach or police officers on the race course) are to beat my New Jersey Marathon time by 11 minutes and 25 seconds and to raise $5000 to fight leukemia and other blood cancers.
Look how happy I look after my last marathon! (This picture does not reflect my attitude during miles 21.5-25.5, during which I DID yell at strangers, a police officer and my coach). I will be even happier after the Chicago Marathon, assuming it is prettier than Jersey (likely) and not 95 degrees.
The title is a live link to my Fundraising Page and to more pictures of me in running clothes.
Thanks everyone!
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