Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And then I'll shut up about him...

...but first, click on the title for a profile (and hilarious glamour shot) of nerd hero Nate Silver, baseball geek turned electoral prognosticator.

I love his site, not only because he's currently projecting an Obama crush-job, but because the reasoning behind it is a lot more transparent and even-handed than the likes of Daily Kos etc.


  1. Nate Silver has inspired me to one day simultaneously hold the position of GM of a major league baseball team and GM of the country (aka President).

    And for those of you who read that article, but have never heard of PECOTA, PECOTA is a pretty powerful tool. There are problems with it, but it's the best system there is, and if you know how to combine the projections with some common sense, you put yourself way ahead of the game.

  2. let's form an exploratory committee for joe

  3. Athas for Veep!

    If you think Cheney abuses his executive privelege...

  4. I'll put the "cute" back in execute and the "vice" back in VP, son! you better get ambiorix burgos as your secret serviceman and sleep with one eye open.
