Friday, July 18, 2008

JJ8 The Movie: The Final Chapter

JON raises up his RUSTY CHAINSAW at BEN, and saws through a LIGHTING FIXTURE. The LIGHTS GO OUT, and SPARKS fly EVERYWHERE. The SPARKS flash in the MANGLED FLESH of MONSTER GABI's face. The LIGHTS go ON and OFF. It is like a STROBE LIGHT. As they fight, it is like a WEIRD DANCE in some bizarre CLUB. [music cue: European techno]/

Then BEN gets knocked into an IPod Dock [big product placement.] What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong starts to play [irony.] The fight turns SLO-MO. A butterfly flies in through a CRACKED WINDOW. Its simple BEAUTY contrasts with the violence of the FIGHT.

A bunch of jump cuts happen [=Bourne Identity] as BEN executes a crazy kung-fu move. But MONSTER GABI throws him THROUGH THE WALL into the KITCHEN. Ben ARMS himself with POTS and PANS. But he ALSO knocks over a GAS LINE and a HUGE FIRE IGNITES. Then the CHAINSAW CUTS a watermain. There is WATER and FIRE everywhere. [message=this fight has it all.]

Suddenly, a motorbike crashes THROUGH THE DOOR. CHRISTY and LESLIE [Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson] are riding on it. They throw NINJA STARS at everyone. The NINJA STARS fly in BULLET TIME. One of them severs the WING of the butterfly. [The butterfly is CGI.] It falls to the ground.

SUDDENLY, JOSH AND JOE rappel from the ROOF into the APARTMENT. JOE FIRES a NET GUN at MONSTER GABI, while JOSH TAKES a BLOW TORCH to EVERYTHING. Even MORE suddenly, SOLOMON, ASHLEY, and RAJU appear. They are WEREWOLVES, because DAVE bit them [explained in the novelization]. Everyone is fighting with everyone. DAVE appears, too, he is a ZOMBIE-WEREWOLF now. MATT is a ghost, he has a HAZY BLUE OUTLINE. He tries to fight people, but his HAND goes THROUGH them [comic relief].

JON gets thrown into a FIREY part of the APARTMENT. He stands up, and notices a SINGED photograph. It is HIM AND HIS FRIENDS in HAPPIER TIMES. Then he NOTICES the one-winged BUTTERFLY. The BATTLE GOES ALL SILENT, and JON watches the destruction.
He starts to UNDERSTAND what he has DONE.

But just as he is about to MAKE A PLEA for PEACE, ROBOT ATHAS (he came in when no one was looking) gets damaged and initiates his self-destruct sequence.

CLOSE-UP of digital numbers counting down to zero. When they get to ZERO, at first nothing happens. Then a NUCLEAR BOMB goes off.

The screen is filled with a big mushroom cloud.

It is the next day. The building has been TOTALLY LEVELED. It is just a PILE OF RUBBLE. POLICE and FIREMEN are ON the SCENE. Their sirens flash without sound.

TERRENCE [William H. Macy] and DAVID REESE [Don Cheadle] survey the wreckage. They are dressed in suits and trench coats.

How could this have happened?

(In South African accent)
I guess we will never know.

He shakes his head.

I'm too old for this shit.

He throws his RA badge on the rubble. He walks AWAY.

DAVID lingers, watching the smoking rubble. He sees a BUTTERFLY, crawling along the ground. It is the BUTTERFLY from the fight. It survived. Tenderly, he picks it up.

Hey, little fella...

DAVID gently rests the butterfly on his shoulder. He lifts up his briefcase. "Oh shit" moment: It is the same briefcase with the gold from the beginning.

The camera CRANES AWAY, and DAVID makes his way among the POLICE CARS. He DISAPPEARS in the CROWD. The movie ends on a STRANGLEY UNSETTLING NOTE, and with a slow song by Nine Inch Nails.


Then WORDS come on SCREEN: To be continued....?

Credits ROLL.


  1. the sequel will clearly need to be a prequel. how did everyone get this way? where did ben get a ho? did the yankees sign cc sabathia in the 2008 off-season?

  2. how DID we get this way? How can we make sure Gabi is not disfigured and I'm not evil, but still ensure Athas' world domination? This is like A Christmas Carol, the jj8 version. or, like Back to the Future.
