Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Roommate Olympics Schedule

Okay ya'll t minus 2.5 days.

Olympics Day 1
Everyone meet Friday night at 8pm at Ocean's (308 Flatbush Avenue) with Game faces on.

We'll need Sol and Ashley to bring Pictionary which I believe they have.
Nadya will bring Trivial Pursuit (hopefully not one of the ridiculous editions like 80s TV or something...)

The first 3 events (Air Hockey, Trivia, Pictionary) will be at Ocean's.

Question to the group. Is Beirut best at Sol & Ashley's, Ocean's, or the Bowling alley?

close out Day one with bowling.

DAY 2:
we still need someone to administer the Scavenger Hunt. I'll bring Taboo & Eggs. Can someone get string for the 3 legged race?

Don't forget camera's and subway cards for the scavenger hunt.


  1. We'll bring pictionary, but we don't have trivial pursuit.

  2. i have trivial pursuit. will bring. what exactly is needed for administering of scavenger hunt. maybe we can get a cousin to do it if it is not too labor/time intensive.

  3. I realize that maybe this should have been raised earlier, but aren't pictionary and taboo essentially the same game? Maybe Kart, or something else, could replace one.

  4. I can bring string for day 2! THANKS PB01 for putting it all together.. it sounds so so fun. I CAN't WAIT! Game onnnnnnn

  5. Lacking a ref for the hunt, maybe Julie can put whatev # of copies we need in SEALED envelop... and Josh can bring them if he promises no cheating. Then we can have race to a final meeting place. In terms of who's calling bullshit on shenanigans, I guess it's just a group effort.

  6. Also, as much as I hate the idea of Beirut in our apt, I have a feeling the bowling alley will hate it more.

  7. If you're bored at work today, as I am, I heartily recommend reading the ridiculously detailed Wikipedia entries on various drinking games.

    Someone needs to make an entry for Chamber!

  8. The wiki article on Beirut mentions that it's also a Wii game...
    Anyone up for a all-Wii version of roommate olympics next weekend?
