Thursday, May 22, 2008

Super Delegates

Can someone please explain to me what usefulness the super delegates are showing!?!?!? I mean seriously. This party is such an embarrassment it would be laughable if it weren't so serious. You mean after 21 debates, 18 months of campaigning, billions of pages of news, and 3 months and counting of grotesqueries passing for stories and campaigning that they are still undecided. What are these "party leaders" waiting for??? Could you be more gutless. While you're hiding under the bed in the fetal position, the party is getting cleaved in two. One candidate is turning an agreement she signed into a civil rights struggle and calcifying total oposition to her party's front-runner. The other candidate is reduced to a whimpering supplicant because if he says anything to challenge her he might offend her increasingly rigid supporters.

Isn't this exactly what the superdelegates were created to do?!?! They all are concerned that this is going on too long, meanwhile, by definition, it can't end until they say so. This is an embarrassment on so many levels it defies description. Now I remember why I was an independent until this primary season. The math hasn't changed since the end of February. They could have ended it then. Furthermore, then the 2 sides wouldn't have gotten so intractable, wouldn't have had to get so personal, so ugly, and so sidetracked by identity, association, and the continuing Victim Olympics.

-Soon To be Independent

1 comment:

  1. I like it when super delegates argue they have to wait until the votes in their district are cast before deciding--basically admitting, "I have absolutely no intention of performing my intended function in this process."
