Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ALERT: Albania May Not Recognize JJ8*

Uhhh....Josh.....Albania just called. They want their flag back. Bamir Topi, the Albanian President has threatened to cut off all diplomatic ties with JJ8 if we continue to hold out the Albanian flag as the Kosovar flag.

In an effort to avoid an international incident, I have assured the President that JJ8 meant no offense. To ease the tension, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Kosovo's actual flag.

I grant you, Albania has a bad ass flag. But it's still pretty cool that Kosovo is independent. (And they were not allowed to use the red and black for their own flag, so don't hold it against them). Here's to a non-violent transition!

*NOTE: Serbia definitely does NOT recognize JJ8.


  1. Nah, Kosovars reject the official flag, and so should we. I give the people credit for having better taste than their government:


  2. No way, man. The ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo may prefer the Albanian double-eagle, but Kosovo's other five ethnic groups do not. The flag design was the result of an international competition. Entrants were not supposed to use traditional ethnic color schemes so as to prevent further ethnic tensions. The six stars represent the six ethnic groups living in Kosovo. While it may not be as pretty as Albania's flag, I applaud the unity effort.

    But whatever. Go Kososvo.

  3. Whatever. I vote for the red and black flag for sure. This one looks like a retarded chicken dancing.
