Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Blog Bloggity Blog Blog

I'm sitting in Accounting class right now, bored out of my mind. By spending my entire weekend driving around and watching sports (2 games at Fenway, Pats game on TV at parents house, UMass football game from engineering booth of WMUA), I'm behind on my work. I should probably have skipped this class to do work, but accounting is so crazy and new to me, that I'm afraid of missing something important. Whether I've learned anything just now while blogging, who can say? The professor is not such a great teacher...he can, however, be entertaining to watch. He's a bit too much for me to handle, but if he were ever to scream the word "Inconceivable", there would be an absolute riot, that's how much he looks and sounds like the guy from the Princess Bride.

Speaking of The Princess Bride, I remember when I was young and the phrase "princess bride" didn't make sense to me at all. So I decided that it must be "The Prince's Bride", and everyone was just pronouncing it wrong. It wasn't until not that long ago that I realized that it was, in fact, "The Princess Bride". I still think my version makes more sense. She doesn't become a princess unless she marries the prince, so as a bride, she's not a princess until the marriage is consummated by the wedding, which it never is. So WTF? Can people please think about what they're doing when they title a movie?


  1. AS YOU WISH>>> AS YOU WISH!! Nothing like killing time during a boring class to get the creative blog juices flowing. If I had a computer in class I would be blogging about all the dumb dumbs that surround me.

  2. I actually know this one. Screenwriter william goldman was trying to figure out what he wanted to do his next book about. He decided he wanted to do a family thing so he asked his daughters what they would want to read a story about. One said "a princess" and the other said "a bride."

  3. still...he could have called it "The [Soon-to-be]-Princess Bride"! its just confusing as it is, even into adulthood.

  4. And so the blog comes full circle, to Mandy Patinkin's greatest role. If Mandy Patinkin Were a Horse. If he's on the next season of 24, we can all go home.

  5. Actually, I think we're ok unless he takes over for Rickey as the Mets' new 1B coach

  6. Or if he wants to see a midnight screening of Transformers 2 at Union Square.

  7. And...scene!

    GBTB: God Bless This Blog
