Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Flickry Dickry Doc

Lots of pics within of life here in Europe:

This weekend Jules and I went to Budapest--an A+ city all around.

Reunion in an Eastern European public bath?


  1. My favorite is the picture of the woman signing off on the final paper work. The layer of bullet proof glass really provides a unique impression of separation between subject and photographer. And the aperture was set just right to give an ominous yet hopeful feel to the picture.

  2. uh, i like the first picture the most. is that quentin tarantino?

  3. YES! I've said that. Josh and Tarantino...pees in a pod. Forget that Aaron Heilman stuff.

  4. Joe, I wish you'd said that to me. I am very happy to look like Quentin Tarantino, especially if it's a choice between him and Met reliever.

    Anyway, I edited the post, and the link there now will take you to all the pictures, not just the domestic partnership ones.

  5. I believe I did mention it to you once, Josh. It was a long time ago. I think it was the evening that we had the gift exchange at the apartment on E. 2nd St that you shared with Ben, Shira, and Mike at which I received a bottle of manischewitz wine that I proceded to drink most of, leading to some bad times when I got home that night.

  6. For some reason that curly slide reminds me of that lavish South African resort from that video we watched in the Greg Mann class.

    I still want to go to that place.

    -Cecil Rhodes
